NEASFram - Near East and Africa Security Framework

Strategic Assessments has launched a Near East and Africa Security Framework Program (NEASFram) to apply a coordinated approach to addressing the human and national security concerns created by conflict in the arc from Asia through Africa and including the Middle East.


Strategic Assessments
Near East & Africa Security Framework
Near East & Africa Security Framework

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Petraeus Understands U.S. Breaches of Int. Law Harms Nat. Sec.

Gen. David Petraeus responded to the findings we discussed yesterday that suggested an erosion of the moral foundation of U.S. troops in Iraq. To the General's credit he noted that:
(a) He was really concerned by the results
(b) Recognizes a need to do more to educate troops as to the importance of the rule of law
(c) Understands the costs, including to the U.S., of breaching the laws of war

For me the key quotes from Petraeus were the following:

“We can never sink to the level of the enemy....we have done that at times in theater, and it has cost us enormously.”


“So the first step is that we’ve got to . . . make sure that folks remember that that’s a foundation for our moral compass . . . anything we do that violates that is done at considerable peril.”

Let's hope the Pres, VP and the AG were listening....

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