NEASFram - Near East and Africa Security Framework

Strategic Assessments has launched a Near East and Africa Security Framework Program (NEASFram) to apply a coordinated approach to addressing the human and national security concerns created by conflict in the arc from Asia through Africa and including the Middle East.


Strategic Assessments
Near East & Africa Security Framework
Near East & Africa Security Framework

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Vice President Cheney in Iraq

As I scanned through the news briefings of the VP's trip to Iraq this note from the BBC struck me as particularly revealing:

"Analysts say Mr Cheney will hope to build on ties forged in previous trips to the region, while in business and as vice-president to George W Bush and defence secretary to his father, President George Bush Snr."

If the VP believes that these credentials will help secure more help for the U.S. in Iraq and the broader region he is going to be in for a big surprise. Surely it is clear by now that there are significant and substantive geopolitical issues in the broader region that need to be dealt with to bring real security to the area and the broader international community. Simply being chummy with a few leaders will on its own not get the VP very far.

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